Tuesday, July 15, 2014

"Buko-less" Buko pandan/lychee salad

I craved for something sweet and the first thing that came into my mind is buko salad. Since I was on a very tight budget, fruit cocktail is out of the picture. So I opted to make Buko Pandan salad. We have a coconut tree but it was raining because of Glenda so getting coconut was not an option because the trunk would be very slippery it would be dangerous to get the coconuts. But since I was stingy nowadays I decided to improvise on the Buko! I went to a Save More nearby to buy my ingredients. Cream, condensed milk, gelatin, etc! When I got home, it seemed that the Bagger only put a pack of the Pandan flavored gelatin in my bag instead of 2. Arrgh! Luckily I also bought Lychee flavored gelatins so the Buko Pandan became Buko Lychee!

I used unflavored white gelatin for the mock young coconut meat. I dissolved it in half of the recommended water to make the finished gelatin very firm. I put a cup of coconut milk just before the mixture boils. The coconut milk will give the flavor to the gelatin. And is what I used instead of the real coconut meat!

2 packs unflavored white gelatin, I used the brand Mr. Gulaman
2 packs Pandan or Lychee flavored gelatin
2 Nestle all-purpose cream in tetra pack, chilled
1 can condensed milk
1 cup coconut milk

Cook the gelatin according to instructions but change the amount of water in dissolving the gelatin. For the unflavored gelatin, use only half of the recommended amount of water. For the Lychee gelatin, used the recommended amount of water. Mix the coconut milk in the unflavored gelatin just before it boils then remove from heat and let it cool to set. You can add a small amount of sugar in the gelatin but remember that the cream will also be sweet, you don't want your salad to taste too sweet.

When the gelatin are set, cut the Lychee gelatin into cubes. For the coconut gelatin, use a large bore grater. Grate the gelatin and mix with the Lychee flavored.

The coconut gelatin when grated will look and taste like grated coconut meat!

Mix the all-purpose cream and condensed milk and pour on the gelatin. Mix and put more sugar if you think its not sweet enough. Chill overnight before serving.

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