Monday, June 30, 2014


We, Filipinos, have sweet tooth. The fact that we have so many desserts proves that we love sweet treats. Even some of our main dishes have a hint of sweetness. Take for example the "Hamonado".

Hamonado can be made with any kind of meat. Chicken, pork, beef, turkey, etc. It is very simple to make and the taste can be compared to HAM, where it was named after. I love the rich flavor combined with the sweetness of the sauce. Today, I made Chicken Hamonado. 

1 kl. Chicken, chopped into serving sizes
250mL Pineapple juice
2 Tbsp. sugar
1 onion
2 cloves garlic, more if you want
ground black pepper

Marinade the chicken with patis, about 1/4 c. Let it stand for half an hour. Meanwhile, chop the onion and garlic.

In a shallow pan, heat 1 Tbsp. of cooking oil. Saute the onion and garlic. Put the marinated chicken and pour the juice next. Let it boil until the chicken is cooked and the juice has been reduced. Put more patis, sugar and black pepper to adjust the taste. Serve!

Note: If you are going to use pork or other meat, make sure that the meat is tender before serving.

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