Thursday, January 23, 2014

To begin with....

Yesterday, my friend Mascy (her unreal name) asked me for my roasted ribs recipe. After unsuccessfully feeding  her family on several occasions, she decided she needed a lot of practice and some help from secret-to-be sources. I am one of those sources, you see. She mentioned that she suddenly craved for my roasted ribs she tasted back when we were still in college. So I said I will just email it to her. I have tried blogging before but I did not really have any idea what to talk about so finally, after not so much deliberation and thinking that not so much people will read this anyway, I created this blog for the benefit of my good friend, Mascy. Yes, this is for you, as well as others who want to read my rubbish.

I will post a new entry weekly and if I can do it more of often, I will.  I am not a kitchen expert, it just so happened that I have this love affair with food and fascination on how to prepare them. I think it comes from my desire to eat good food in the comfort of my home. And the feeling is shared by my family. 

Some of the recipes are mine and some are not. And I create my version of some familiar dishes. Of course, I had my share of successful and not so successful recipes. I believe that every recipe has its own version depending on who cooks it. Like the unofficial "Philippine National Dish", Adobo, we can never find 2 similar tasting adobo ever in the whole world. There is something that will taste different in each one.

Like I said, I am sharing some of the recipes I have learned through the years and years to come. Feel free to tweak them in your own liking. To each his own....